OSHA is considering updating its mechanical power press standard to determine what action, if any, the agency may take to address worker safety while reducing regulatory burdens. In a 1978 enforcement directive, OSHA defined a mechanical power press as a mechanically powered machine that shears, punches, forms or assembles metal or other material by means of cutting, shaping or combination of dies attached to slides.
OSHA first issued its mechanical power presses standard in 1971 based on an industry consensus standard from the American National Standards Institute (ANSI). Since then, ANSI has updated its own standard several times. Between now and October 26, 2021, OSHA is requesting comments in the following areas:
- The need to update its mechanical power presses standard
- How closely the OSHA standard should follow the current ANSI standard
- The types of presses that should be covered
- The use and certification of equipment
- Presence-sensing device initiation systems
- Requirements for press modifications, training, and injury reporting
Read the Federal Register notice for submission instructions and submit your comments electronically at http://www.regulations.gov, the Federal eRulemaking Portal.